Curseblade Mask

A mask affixed with a crown of tangled horns, worn by those who would invoke divinity.

Divine invocation heightens the dexterity of the wearer, but causes the blessing of the Erdtree to become nauseating, reducing the restorative effect of drinking from a flask of sacred tears.

Focus is also troubled by wearing this mask.
Slot: Head
Weight: 2.2
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 2.5 Strike 2.3 Slash 0.9 Pierce 2.1
Magic 4.6 Fire 4.6 Lightning 4.6 Holy 4.9
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 22 Robustness 11 Focus 0 Vitality 33 Poise 4

Curseblade Mask
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