Death Knight Armor

Golden armor of the Death Knights, adorned with an antiquated depiction of the Erdtree.

Enhances skills and incantations of the capital’s ancient dragon cult.

These knights, once Godwyn’s personal guard, quested to find their transfigured master’s cadaver surrogate—for the coming age of the Duskborn.
Slot: Body
Weight: 11.2
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 12.6 Strike 12.2 Slash 10.7 Pierce 12.2
Magic 9.3 Fire 9.7 Lightning 12.4 Holy 8.2
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 25 Robustness 42 Focus 16 Vitality 42 Poise 22

Death Knight Armor
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