Divine Bird Helm

A helm of tangled horn attached to a divine bird mask, allowing the wearer to invoke divinity. Worn by divine bird warriors; the very first of all horned warriors.

Divine invocation heightens the power of divine bird feathers alongside strength and dexterity, but reduces the restorative effect of drinking from a flask of sacred tears.

Focus is also troubled by wearing this helm.
Slot: Head
Weight: 4.6
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.8 Strike 4.4 Slash 4.4 Pierce 4.2
Magic 3.8 Fire 3.6 Lightning 2.8 Holy 3.1
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 14 Robustness 22 Focus 0 Vitality 9 Poise 8

Divine Bird Helm
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