Eccentric’s Armor

Unusually colorful armor.
Worn by the knight Jerren.

Jerren preferred a nomadic existence, but after spending time as a guest of the Carian royals, he became a guest commander for General Radahn.

And for the first time, the restless tumbleweed would be bound by honorable oath.
Slot: Body
Weight: 10.6
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 12.9 Strike 12.4 Slash 10.9 Pierce 12.9
Magic 10.9 Fire 10.9 Lightning 7.1 Holy 9.5
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 35 Robustness 60 Focus 23 Vitality 21 Poise 21

Eccentric's Armor

Part of the Eccentric set.

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