Fia’s Hood

Hood of black cloth that covers the whole head.
Worn by Fia, the Deathbed Companion, on her journey after being exiled from her home.

The fabric itself is soft as silk.
Slot: Head
Weight: 1.7
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 1.4 Strike 1.4 Slash 1.8 Pierce 1.4
Magic 4.4 Fire 4.2 Lightning 4.4 Holy 4.6
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 18 Robustness 8 Focus 29 Vitality 45 Poise 2

Fia's Hood

Part of Fia’s set.

Where to Find Fia’s Hood

Once you’ve completed Fia’s quest, her set can be found on her corpse near the Prince of Death’s Throne site of grace in Deeproot Depths — you’ll have to reload the area after acquiring the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince.

fias location deeproot depths elden ring
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