
Hood far larger than the head it is meant to cover.
A burial shroud of sorts for those who discover, at long last, the truth they sought.

Increases intelligence and faith to the detriment of HP.

“Yes, surely this is the moon that young Rennala gazed upon.”
Slot: Head
Weight: 5.1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 3.8 Strike 3.8 Slash 3.6 Pierce 3.6
Magic 5.5 Fire 5 Lightning 5.5 Holy 6.2
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 33 Robustness 20 Focus 47 Vitality 47 Poise 5


Where to Find the Greathood

The Greathood is acquired as part of the Sorcer Painting puzzle.

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