Hierodas Glintstone Crown

One of the glintstone crowns bestowed upon Raya Lucaria scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy.

Increases intelligence and endurance to the detriment of FP.

The crown of Hierodas was granted to scholars who engaged in nomadic study away from the academy.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 2.3 Strike 2.8 Slash 2.3 Pierce 2.3
Magic 4.9 Fire 4.7 Lightning 4.6 Holy 4.9
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 20 Robustness 11 Focus 39 Vitality 42 Poise 4

Hierodas Glintstone Crown

Part of the Errant Sorcerer set.

Where to Find the Hierodas Glintstone Crown

You can find it in the village east-northeast of the Craftsman’s Shack, in Mt. Gelmir.

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