High Priest Hat

The hat of Count Ymir, High Priest.

The circular design at the top represents the Greater Will and its lightless abyss, imparting increased intelligence and arcane to the wearer.

Though Count Ymir instructed Rellana in the sorcerous arts, he abandoned his allegiance to the moon.

“It was merely the closest of the celestial bodies. Nothing more.”
Slot: Head
Weight: 1.7
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 1.8 Strike 1.4 Slash 2.1 Pierce 0.9
Magic 4.6 Fire 4.5 Lightning 4.4 Holy 4.5
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 18 Robustness 10 Focus 27 Vitality 33 Poise 3

High Priest Hat
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