Imp Head (Corpse)

Head covering made from the largely unaltered head of an impish golem.

Resembling the visage of a corpse, it holds trace amounts of lingering faith.
Slot: Head
Weight: 8.1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 5.8 Strike 5.8 Slash 5.2 Pierce 6.1
Magic 5 Fire 5.8 Lightning 4.8 Holy 5
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 35 Robustness 35 Focus 20 Vitality 20 Poise 10

Imp Head (Corpse)

Where to Find the Imp Head (Corpse)

Found in Leyndell, Royal Capital — see Part 1 of walkthrough for details.

imp head corpse location elden ring
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