Leather Boots

Lightweight and battle-proven leather boots worn by a savvy soldier.

Many admire the wearer of this armor for his chivalrous and forthright spirit.
Slot: Leg
Weight: 4.4
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.5 Strike 4.5 Slash 5.4 Pierce 5
Magic 5.4 Fire 5.4 Lightning 5.8 Holy 5.8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 37 Robustness 22 Focus 26 Vitality 31 Poise 7

Leather Boots

Lightweight and battle-proven leather gloves worn by a savvy soldier.

Many admire the wearer of this armor for his chivalrous and forthright spirit.

Where to Find the Leather Boots

Drops from Patches, who can first be found in Murkwater Cave in Limgrave.

murkewater cave location elden ring
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