Okina Mask

A wooden mask that depicts an old man baring his teeth. The source of the sobriquet of the great swordsman of the Land of Reeds.
Raises dexterity as it lowers focus.

The more he sharpened his mind, the more the absurdities of the world came into stark relief. And so Okina renounced it all, and rose to a higher plane. There was only himself. His katana. And its mastery.

Before long, Okina became a demon of a swordsman.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3.6
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 3.4 Strike 4 Slash 3.6 Pierce 3.1
Magic 3.8 Fire 3.8 Lightning 4.2 Holy 3.6
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 29 Robustness 18 Focus 23 Vitality 22 Poise 6

Okina Mask

Part of the White Reed set.

Where to Find the Okina Mask

Reward for defeating Okina, who will invade you in front of the Church of Repose, in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

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