Omensmirk Mask

Mask with long, hideously twisted horns worn by the Omenkillers.
Increases strength.

Bears the smirking face of an elder, twisted in wicked delight.

This visage is carved in the image of the evil spirits that haunt the Omen in their nightmares.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 3.1 Strike 2.5 Slash 2.8 Pierce 2.5
Magic 3.1 Fire 3.4 Lightning 4 Holy 3.6
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 29 Robustness 12 Focus 20 Vitality 20 Poise 6

Omensmirk Mask

Where to Find the Omensmirk Mask

Part of the Omenkiller set.

Found just outside the Lower Capital Church in Leyndell, Royal Capital — see Part 2 of Leyndell walkthrough for details on acquiring.

omensmirk mask location elden ring
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