Redmane Knight Armor

Armor worn by knights who fought by General Radahn’s side.

When they were driven to defeat by Malenia’s scarlet rot, the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve.

“Alas, dear home, I shan’t see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight.”
Slot: Body
Weight: 11.8
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 13.5 Strike 13.5 Slash 11.4 Pierce 12.4
Magic 10.9 Fire 12.8 Lightning 9.5 Holy 10.9
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 35 Robustness 55 Focus 24 Vitality 25 Poise 24

Redmane Knight Armor

Part of the Redmane Knight set.

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