St. Trina’s Blossom

St. Trina’s life withered and fell, as fleeting as the seasons. At her last, she left a single water lily.

Slightly boosts max FP.

Despite the velvety-purple hue, the flower is in no way poisonous—it merely blooms in quietude.
Slot: Head
Weight: 1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 0.9 Strike 1.4 Slash 0.9 Pierce -0.8
Magic 4.4 Fire 3.8 Lightning 4.4 Holy 4.4
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 12 Robustness 4 Focus 24 Vitality 24 Poise 2

St. Trina's Blossom
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