Eastern Astral Range – Eschalon: Book III Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the Eastern Astral Range.


eb3 m easternastralrange

Points of Interest

  1. Pedestal
  2. Master Warren’s Crypt
  3. Captain Morgan

Local Exits

  1. Path to Secret Area in Macross Point
  2. Path to Alundar’s Domain



  • Secret Area (#2)


1 – Pedestal

When you click on the pedestal here, you’ll see the text “deda tihvees cnta slaet” and you’ll be asked for a response. This is a fairly easy anagram / jumble puzzle, and you’ll just need to type in “dead thieves cant steal” (or “dead thieves can’t steal” if you prefer). When you do, you’ll earn 2000 xp, the pedestal will disappear, and the gate behind it will open, granting you access to Master Warren’s crypt (#2).

2 – Master Warren’s Crypt

The crypt here is a secret area. When you enter it the exit gate will close behind you, and a pair of Fetid Grubbs will attack you. To get back out, you’ll just need to pull the lever in the crypt. Also in the crypt, you’ll discover a red ceramic jar containing Corpse Ash and a Diamond Key. The key will unlock Master Warren’s chamber in the Gildedmoon Repository section of the Moonrise Underground, where you’ll find Bittersting and more.

3 – Captain Morgan

This is where you’ll meet Captain Morgan, whom you might remember from Books I and II. You’ll see that his life hasn’t really improved since Book II.

Local Exits

A – Path to a Secret Area in Macross Point

B – Path to Alundar’s Domain

You’ll walk by the secret area in Warlord’s Pass along the way.

World Exits

West – Warlord’s Pass

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

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