Going Medieval

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Going Medieval Review: A Colony Sim for the (Middle) Ages

Colony Sims are interesting in that they tend to straddle the line between RTS, puzzle game, and The Sims. I’ve been playing Colony games since SimAnt — which might be the first (ant) Colony Sim — and I’ve always appreciated…

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How to Prepare for Winter – Going Medieval

The biggest threat to your settlers in Going Medieval isn’t raids by bloodthirsty cannibals, or wolves, or the plague — it’s winter. When the temperature drops, crops won’t grow, and you’ll have to rely on stored food and hunting to…

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Farming – Going Medieval

Farming is relatively straightforward in Going Medieval: you designate an area for crops using the Zone menu [F7] , they grow, and your settlers will automatically harvest them (assuming someone has been assigned to do so). That being said, you…

going medieval resources books

Research – Going Medieval

When your settlers first arrive to their new home in Going Medieval, they’ll do so with fairly limited knowledge — they won’t even know how to grow cabbage. One of your first priorities should be creating a Basic Research Table,…

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Jobs – Going Medieval

In order to make sure that everything important gets done in your settlement, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with how jobs work in Going Medieval. Let’s first take a look at the Jobs menu [Y]: Here you can set priorities…

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Resources – Going Medieval

Almost everything your settlers create in Going Medieval will require some kind of resource, from wooden stairs to tasty meals. Understanding how to acquire and create resources, and how to store those resources, is an important aspect of the game.…

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Settlers – Going Medieval

Settlers are the lifeblood of your settlement. They’re usually fairly independent, albeit a bit lazy, and don’t need a ton of micro-management to be effective workers. That being said, if you become familiar with the settler management tools available in…

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Construction in Going Medieval

Construction is perhaps the most important aspect of Going Medieval. There are no predefined buildings or rooms, and everything is up to the player to create as they see fit — with a few restrictions and caveats. Basic Construction Tips…

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How to Heal Settlers in Going Medieval

Whether it be from a raider or an encounter with less-than-friendly wildlife, sometimes your villagers will end up wounded. You may also end up with settlers who join your village that arrive wounded. Sometimes, your settlers will take it upon…