Auto Assault Art & Design Preview

GameSpy has put together a three-page preview of Auto Assault, in which they focus primarily on what makes the game and its many vehicles stand out from other MMORPGs. The article includes quite a bit of commentary from project lead Scott Brown and makes for a pretty good read if you’re interested in the game. A snippet:

“Tricks and Trims, like everything else in the world, are built out of components players find out in the wilderness as drops.” That means that in addition to base components that can be refined into valuable materials and broken weapons and armor that have to be repaired using the game’s crafting system, many enemies and destroyed structures will also drop components that can be brought to a manufacturing facility in town be to used and combined to create various roll bars, wings, pipings, and customized paint colors. “The game is primarily mission-based,” Brown said, “But we also wanted reasons for players to visit certain areas even when they’re not on a mission and be more environmentally destructive than they might otherwise be in order to net themselves some really cool stuff to put on their vehicle.”

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