BioWare Blog: The Show Must Go On

BioWare’s Jay Watamaniuk returns to the company’s blog to tell us about the “live gaming” session he plans to attend this weekend.

A longtime friend of mine, Adam, has spent a huge amount of time planning out a weekend game that is running this weekend about two hours north of Edmonton in the wilds of Alberta. He says there will be enough room for all his players and all the actors to find a place to sleep and hang out. He is glossy with organizer madness in this final preparation week so much of what he says is a web of optimistic lies. Adam has a long history of not living in the same world as everyone else so I will bring a tent and my new air mattress.

Now Adam is very famous for going to extremes creating very impressive and intricate props for his games. He once constructed a special gem (used to stop a monster), a body (into which the gem was sewn) and a coffin (into which the body was placed) and buried the works in the ground marked with a foam grave stone. Players had to actually get a shovel and dig the coffin up and find the gem inside the body in the dead of night as the horrible monster was stomping across a field towards them. I understand it is very hard to do that sort of thing when hysterical with terror. It is a wonder none of us have been arrested for intense weirdness.

I’m going to stick to PC and tabletop gaming, thanks.

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