D&D Co-creator Dave Arneson Hospitalized

Grognardia shares the sad news that Dave Arneson’s cancer battle took a turn for the worse late last week, and now the Dungeons & Dragons co-creator has been moved to a facility to “maintain his comfort and his dignity”. A letter from the family was posted this evening:

As of this writing, Dave is still with us. We have moved him into a facility where we can focus on keeping him comfortable. We have been and will continue to watch the forums and blogs and are passing along everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Right now our focus is on getting Dave into the best possible position to maintain his comfort and his dignity. We will update the community as we can. We want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers and ask that you continue to send Dave your support in whatever form that means to you.

An address has been established to receive messages to Dave.

Dave Arneson
1043 Grand Avenue
Box #257
St. Paul, MN

I knew he had a stroke several years ago, but I had no idea he was having major health problems. Very sad.

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