D&D Online: The Art of Shavarath, Part Five

The fifth installment of “The Art of Shavarath” developer diary series on the Dungeons & Dragons Online website covers the Floating Citadels of the Archons.

For the archons we combined classic Greco-Roman architecture with Middle Eastern accents, and even subtle Egyptian influences. The archons are Lawful Good, so the colors we went with to reflect this were golds and browns. We made their structures epic, yet included a touch of something jaded. For example, the top side of the Citadel is polished and pristine but the bottom half is rough and dirty, reflecting countless years of war. Their weaponry is golden-hued, but dirty from use. This creates a sense that while the archons are out to uphold their ideals they may not necessarily be friendly towards outsiders, including players venturing from Eberron into their territory!

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