Depths of Peril v1.014 Patch Released

Soldak Entertainment has released a new v1.014 patch for Depths of Peril, which fixes nearly three dozen pending issues with the action RPG. The notes:

‘¢ decreased lightningExplosion spawn count
‘¢ fixed Close not localized on character screen
‘¢ added OS X 10.3.9 OpenAL installer requirement to requirements & troubleshooting sections of manual
‘¢ fixed mouse on 2nd monitor in dual monitor setup
‘¢ updated copyright
‘¢ skills ready icons no longer flash at beginning
‘¢ thief can no longer steal from kidnapped, petrified, or dead vendors
‘¢ if selected resolution & 800×600 fails, now tries desktop resolution (Win only)
‘¢ now Crystals is localized in trade screen
‘¢ treaty highlight text in trade screen is now localized
‘¢ fixed a ton of typos, bad punctuation, and worded badly sentences (that was a joke 🙂
‘¢ fixed a menu problem when deleting a character
‘¢ added newsletter button
‘¢ moved AttributePointsPerLevel to database
‘¢ fixed in-game spelling
‘¢ npc can no longer be poisoned if kidnapped, petrified, or dead
‘¢ npc can no longer be petrified if dead
‘¢ fixed a problem with 2nd stage bonus of large sets
‘¢ fixed some collision issues in cross caverns
‘¢ fixed some collision issues in town
‘¢ fixed editor not working with zip files correctly
‘¢ changed TextureList widget to work with ctx files instead of tga files
‘¢ no longer spawn thief on resume if already killed
‘¢ turning off Show simple UI tips now hides left/right click tips on items
‘¢ turning off Show simple UI tips hides more simple tips
now mention in alt help that you can change it to a toggle
‘¢ fixed a problem where you could cast spells on a friendly covenant’s lifestone
‘¢ fixed a problem with mana regen items
‘¢ now if npc from another covenant attacks you without declaring war first game makes them declare war instead of you
‘¢ now can handle player having covenant destroyed after winning the game
‘¢ now beastmaster will have guards available if you are in a difficulty early
‘¢ fixed an issue with not spawning monsters on some revenge quests

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