Fallout Developer Profile – Natiq Aghayev

Can’t mark NMA down for speed, as they have now published a Fallout Developer Profile with V13 concept artist Natiq Aghayev.

Tell us a little about your role in the making of Fallout 1/2/3 (Van Buren)/Tactics/FOOL?

In the end of 2007 I was offered a contract work as a concept artist by Jason Anderson, Creative Director at Interplay. He found my online portfolio browsing CG forums and sent me a letter with this offer. Thanks to Thomas Beekers from NMA who gave Jason my contacts 😉

I understood the responsibility of making real Fallout art for a real Fallout project and I realized it would be different from other fan art I did earlier. So I declined all other local offers that I had by that time and started working on the basis of Jason’s directions. It was really exciting to work with Jason. The man who really knows what the real Fallout is all about. His directions and valuable advice were really of irreplaceable help. I discovered many new fine points concerning things that make Fallout so unique.
What is your hope for future Fallout games? Would you like to be a part of a future Fo team?

First of all I would like to see future Fallout games staying true to its original canon. I wouldn’t probably want to see it forced to fit any up-to-date demands be it visual component or thematic approach. I also wouldn’t want to see future Fallout games going halfway TPSFPS or featuring a kind of blend between two. To my own opinion the perfect choice for today (2008) would be completely 3D isometric view with ability to zoom things in and out a little. I can name Titan Quest as a good example of implementing such approach. Just imagine walking through destroyed New York on that kind of graphic engine. Would look awesome I think. And yes, of course I would like to be a part of future fallout team. One of the biggest dreams maybe.

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