Grim Dawn Build 22 Released

A new build, the twenty-second to be precised, has been released for Grim Dawn, adding a number of new features like instanced loot, an expanded shared stash and weapon DPS comparison, and a number of art improvements and bugfixes. A small snippet from the forum post announcing it:

Build 22 is now live, and with it many great quality of life improvements to Grim Dawn.

Several highly-requested features have come online including Instanced Loot for Multiplayer, an expanded shared stash, auto-combining of partial components, and more!

With this update complete, we are now full-steam ahead to begin closed testing of the first part of Act 3, which is expected to go live by the end of January. The first chapter of Act 3 will lead up to the gates of a new NPC enclave “Homestead” and introduce you to new locations, characters and challenging content, including a large side-area.

[Major New Features]

  • You can now toggle Instanced Loot when setting up a Multiplayer session. Instanced Loot causes items that drop in Multiplayer to be assigned/visible to specific players, just like in a Singleplayer session. Items dropped from player inventories are visible to all players. You can disable this setting to play with the standard Free-For-All loot.
  • The Shared Stash has been expanded with additional tabs available for purchase with iron bits. These tabs, once unlocked, are available to all of your characters.
  • Weapon DPS comparisons have been added. You can now compare Weapon DPS directly through the item’s tooltip. Hold Ctrl to compare DPS without attached Components.
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