Mass Effect 2 Overlord DLC Impressions and Video Interview

Not only is GameSpot hosting a nearly four-minute video interview with BioWare’s Casey Hudson about Overlord, but they’ve penned some firsthand impressions of the upcoming Mass Effect 2 DLC as well.

Getting to the AI requires visits to each of Overlord’s new worlds, taking in a crashed geth ship along the way, there to find a key to unlock the final location. That location is Prometheus Station, a Cerberus base locked down and under AI control. Enemies are primarily geth–including troopers, hunters, and the bulky primes–with some infected versions of familiar mech units. The early stages of the DLC are vehicle and combat heavy, but emphasis shifts to storytelling later on, with Mass Effect 2’s signature not-so-straightforward moral choices factoring in as the nature of the supposed rogue AI is revealed.

Faced with destruction, the AI hijacks Shepard’s vision, overlaying the environment with Tron-ish virtual reality grids and computerized projections of its memories. This is the most striking of the visual treats provided by the Overlord DLC, which is intended to offer something “new and different” to the main game. Overlord in general appears polished, though, with the new water surfaces on the planets and the crashed, partly flooded geth ship looking particularly good.

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