RPGs to Rule the World

Edge Online takes a look at some of the hot upcoming RPG games from both the East and West regions. Their top Western RPGs consist of Fallout 3, Dragon Age: Origins, Alpha Protocol and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, action RPG top is Fable II, Rise of the Argonauts, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion, and Sacred 2: Fallen Angel. The top MMOs are WoW: Wrath of the Lich King, DC Universe Online, Warhammer Online, and Free Realms.

What was once a very PC-centric genre is now everywhere, thanks in large part to the constant efforts of longtime genre stalwarts like BioWare and Bethesda. In moving to consoles and handhelds these games have taken on some of the (local flavor,) so to speak, with some becoming simple while others take on more action game elements. Yet most of them can trace at least some of their lineage back to, say, the SSI Gold Box games.

1. Fallout 3
Oct 7, 2008
Bethesda’s thorough re-envisioning of the beloved cult series Fallout is positioned to be the breakout hit of the holiday. Here’s a case where the cachet of long-starved Fallout fans represents the bare minimum of the market. This game has impressed in every public showing with its wide variety of emergent, visceral gameplay that combined with the compelling post-apocalyptic environment makes for a title that appeals across the breadth of the adult male demographic. It’s an exciting product that, with the marketing campaign it deserves, should top sales charts well in 2009 and push the multi-million unit mark.

2. Dragon Age: Origins
TBA 2009
RPG stalwarts repulsed by BioWare’s action-oriented turns in Mass Effect have been waiting forever for Dragon Age: Origins. It’s been seen as a return to the developer’s (good old days) when Baldur’s Gate tickled players for hundreds of hours. Of course, this is entirely BioWare’s intention this is, after all, an M-rated dark fantasy for adult gamers, and if you like you can play the whole game with the camera situated in classic Infinity Engine isometric. Of course there are many concessions to modernity as well, so it should be extremely competitive it’ll do a million worldwide if it releases in all the European languages simultaneously.

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