Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Previews

Gamers With Jobs has written up some impressions based on their time in the Warhammer Online beta.

So, it’s a game destined to see some balance and performance patches in the early days. What is important to me is the question of the underlying core, and if there’s enough meat there to sustain long term commitment. There’s a world of difference between a game that needs some tweaks and adjustments as it populates its world, and a game with core issues. I feel confident that this game shows remarkable promise and a strong potential for longevity. It will still require excellent support and adaptability to the changing needs of its population, and can use Age of Conan as a nice base model for what not to do after you release a successful MMO, but Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning begins its potentially long run with the wind at its back.

Warhammer ultimately feels like the game you might have hoped Mythic would present to succeed Dark Age of Camelot. It is infused with a certain sense of confidence and shows the benefits of putting veteran developers onto a prized project. It is a maturation, a logical next step for MMOs and the kind of game that offers compelling answers to at least a few of the questions that have nagged the genre. And, it may just end up being among the better MMOGs released in the last few years

MTV Multiplayer follows suit.

#4 – Altdorf is cool and BIG: Altdorf, the capital city of the Empire, is huge and takes up its own zone. I spent an hour or two running around the place, kicking the tires and discovering some interesting stuff. I saw and killed a Skaven with the help of some nearby players. Then, I finally found a PvE instance in the game.

Additionally, Massively offers a Q&A with a beta tester answering questions designed to clear up details on the game.

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